Gumption All-Purpose CleanerNapisan / Dettol / Gumption / SARD » Napisan PLUS | Napisan OxyAction | WonderCloth » Gumption All-Purpose Cleaner
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Gumption All-Purpose Cleaner ReviewsMargot from Melbourne, Melbourne, USA on October 23, 2017:
I found this when I was living in Australia in 1995. Took a chance on it and could not believe it’s cleaning power. I cleaned everything with it. The amazing thing, also, is it doesn’t have a toxic odor. It’s quite pleasant, in fact. I donated some things to a local church in order to get 8 tubs in my suitcase as well as a “Sweepa” which I still have. Back in the States, I tried every cleaning product that remotely seemed like it might be as good. Everything disappointed. I even wrote to the V.P. of sales at Clorox, as they, apparently, own/owned the company. I asked to please bring Gumption to the U.S. Was simply informed not possible. Thank you, Simply Oz, for knowing how incredible Gumption is and making it available here. And, by the way, I was living in Sydney in a flat at Darling Harbour and explored Sydney, including North Sydney, on foot and loved taking the water taxi across the harbour. I still miss it, and to this da, my heart flutters at the magnificent sight of the harbour, the opera house, and the bridge. Was proud to call Australia home for that year and hope to return one day.
Louise on March 30, 2012:
I think this is the best product on the market!! I have chemical sensitivities and it's one of the few products I can use - I actuallly love the smell of Gumption - please don't change it in any way.
julie Beaver from Massachusetts on April 15, 2009:
Today I found simply Australian. I was over the moon when I found gumption, I have lived in the US for 21 years and I have always got my family and friends to bring it to me. Now I can Just get it when I want it. This is the best product on the market! You truely need no other with this. It takes care of the sink, stove top, marks on the walls, bathtub, etc. I've even used this on those impossible to remove marks like tar. My friends come and borrow my tub gumption for those tough problems. Now I can tell them you have it . They can buy there own now.
Deidre Judge from p.o box 284 frenchs forest 1640 on June 03, 2008:Thanks for keeping this product in stock it truly is the best.
My three year grandaughter cannot find a spot anywhere without runninh for the Gumption, this includes floors, walls and table tops, she was most upset when she went to her pre-school,whilst trying to clean the school tables she complained to the teachers because they did not have any Gumption.We go through many containers of Gumption to give to all our friends.
joe from camo on June 12, 2006:
i neeeeeeeeeeeed it
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