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Arnotts Sesame Wheat

Now available ONLY at Aussie Food Express. Click the blue link below:
  • Arnott's Sesame Wheat at
    • Developed in the 1960s to appeal to health conscious people, Sesame Wheat continues to be a popular choice for those who enjoy a cracker with a twist. The sesame seeds sprinkled on top and baked in to the light, crisp cracker, add a unique taste to any cheeses or dips.

Size 250g — Go To US $0.00

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Arnotts Sesame Wheat Reviews

Michael from Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, USA on August 05, 2015:
We thoroughly enjoyed Arnotts Sesame Wheat crackers while we lived in Australia. Now that we are in the U.S., we are thrilled that we can get them from "Simply Australian"
Dave on November 27, 2010:
I enjoyed the Arnott's Sesame Wheat crackers while visiting in Mebourne, AU. These are the tastiest crackers that I've every enjoyed. They had just the right amount of crunch, sesame taste and thickness.