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Cadbury Old Gold Dark BLOCK

Now available ONLY at Aussie Food Express. Click the blue link below:
  • VCadbury Okd Gold Dark Block at
    • Intense Taste of Rich Dark Chocolate - Where the name "Cadbury Old Gold" came from, the ancient Mayans were the first to discover the true value of cacao beans, the source of chocolate.  Cacao beans became a form of currency and were traded for GOLD such was their worth to the Mayans.

Size 200g — Go To US $0.00

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Cadbury Old Gold Dark BLOCK Reviews

mike from Arlington, Arlington, USA on June 08, 2016:
This is a rich dark chocolate that has a good balance and not too sweet. I've had a lot of dark chocolates but this one is very addictive. It's in a class of it's own. I first tried it in Singapore, I brought back 5 blocks of chocolate and gave them as gifts. When I started looking in the grocery and chocolate stores I could not find it in the Dallas area. Thank god for Simply Australian. I can now get my dark chocolate fix.