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Cane Toad Key-chain

The Cane Toad was introduced into Gordonvale Queensland 22kms south of Cairns in 1935 from Hawaii to combat the sugar cane beetle, which was destroying the crops of the sugar cane industry. It has since hopped all over Queensland and is now entering neighbouring states. The Toad is presently considered a major pest and threat to native wildlife. All efforts are now being made for its eradication. The skin of the Cane Toad is strong, tough and durable and makes up into excellent leather goods.
Chinese medicine manufacturers have been using the Toads for centuries in the treatment of Cardio Vascular Diseases and Cancer treatment. It is highly likely that the Cane Toad will one day be farmed in Queensland in high volume for production of therapeutic medicines for mankind.A reversal - from pest to live saver.

This product does not require any customs permits or cites certificates.

Cane Toad w/Legs US $19.95

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