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Now available ONLY at Aussie Food Express. Click the blue link below:
    • Whats your favourite - cheese or chicken? Twisties is an Aussie snack icon that has had a special place in our hearts for more than 50 years. Life's pretty straight without Twisties! If these are out of stock, our apologies, it's because they're hard to bring in and they usually sell out in the first 30 minutes they're online.

CHICKEN (100g) — Go To US $0.00
CHEESE (100g) — Go To US $0.00

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Twisties Reviews

peta from Warren, Warren, USA on March 14, 2012:
Chicken Twisties and Burger Rings are the best!!! Moved to US when I was 15 :( and am so glad that I have the opportunity to reminisce a bit! Thank you Simply Australian! Just wish I could afford the meat pies and sausages! Keep up the good work!
Diana Solis from New york on August 08, 2008:
I've been living here for now 5 years and my now fiance found this website and he gets me aussie goodies and i i was so happy the first time i got my package... Oh how much i missed my chicken twisties, meatpies, cordial and shapes and all the other great things simplyoz sells. thanks you have made me a happier aussie. Oi Oi Oi
daniel stephens from adelaide hills on June 14, 2008:
I have travelled all over the world and red rock deli sea salt are the finest chips I have EVER eaten.
Tanya from Mississippi on May 16, 2008:
LOVE Red Rock Deli Chips but you need to include the Lime and Ginger/ Chicken Teryaki flavours too!
Melisa from Puyallup on March 13, 2008:
I miss rock deli chips! especially sour cream sweet chili! you need to get some! oh hey can you get sweet chili philly?? that stuff is amazing