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Now available ONLY at Aussie Food Express. Click the blue link below:
  • Gravox at
    • Gravox has been bringing Australian families together since 1917.

      The Gravox brand was first registered in Australia in 1917. This famous brand name was derived from the combination of the words Gravy and Oxo, to become Gravox. In 1953, Cerebos (Australia) Ltd acquired the Gravox brand from Klembro Pty Ltd, the then manufacturers of boxed Gravox gravy powder.

      Over the past 90 years Gravox has clearly demonstrated the brand can be classic and timeless yet also provide contemporary solutions that meet the needs of the modern family. As a result, Gravox is one of Australia’s most trusted and valuable brands

      Gravox gravy powder is the perfect way to add flavour to any meal.

Traditional (425g) — Go To US $0.00
Supreme (425g) — Go To US $0.00

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Gravox Reviews

Julie Ireland from Houston, TEXAS on April 29, 2006:
My local supermarket (H.E.B.), has a 931mL plastic jar of 100% coconut oil in the Oil and Fats section. The brand name is LouAna and it has a green screw lid. Not as pure and refined as Copha but definitely the same product. The sole ingredient is Coconut Oil. The label invites us to ring:800.723.3652 for questions or comments. It makes good Crackles.
Does anyone have the recipe for "Chocolate Biscuit Cake"? It is made with Copha and softened Milk Coffee Biscuits. Way back in the 1950's Mum had a whole recipe book devoted to Copha. I loved them all.
Simmone from Hurst,texas on April 26, 2006:
when are you getting copha back in? plus shapes n sao's,vita wheats...i'm hanging for them
Clare from Victoria on February 21, 2006:
Copha and vegetable shortening are just NOT the same thing!! I made chocolate crackles for the children I was a Nanny for in Houston and OH MY GOSH - GROSS!!! They tasted like chocolate lard lumps! So glad to see that people can now get real copha!! :)
Kel from Wa State on November 19, 2005:
I LOVE using Copha and I don't think ordinary Shortening is the same. They taste DREADFUL. Copha has a coconut flavouring which is not overpowering.